How to use the Marker API

Below we showcase how to use LIKWID's marker API to monitor hardware performance counters for simple SAXPY operations ("single precision a times x plus y" for vectors x,y and scalar a) executed on CPU, multiple (CPU) threads, GPU, and CPU+GPU.


To use the marker API you need to run Julia under likwid-perctr (actually, that's not entirely true, see here for how to use the marker API dynamically from within a running Julia session). In particular, you need to use the -m option to activate the marker API, provide -c <cpuids> to state the cpu ids (starting at 0!) to monitor, and use -g <perfgrp> to specify the performance group that you want to measure. To list the performance groups that are available on your system (that is for your CPU model) you can either use PerfMon.supported_groups (or likwid-perfctr -a from the command-line).

For example, full commands could look like this:

  • likwid-perfctr -c 0 -g FLOPS_DP -m julia (monitoring double precision FLOPS on CPU 0)
  • likwid-perfctr -c 0-3 -g MEM -m julia (monitoring memory operations on CPUs 0 to 3)

Important: It is absolutely crucial that you pin your Julia threads to the cpu threads that you passed to -c so that they are actually running on those cpu threads! While one could, in principle, use LIKWID's -C (capitalized) or likwid-pin with an appropriate mask for this we strongly recommend to use JULIA_EXCLUSIVE=1 for simple compact 0-N pinning or ThreadPinning.jl for more fine-grained control. For example, JULIA_EXCLUSIVE=1 likwid-perfctr -c 0-3 -g MEM -m julia -t 4.

(Part of the reason why we discourage using -C is that it only works when running Julia with only a single thread but leads to incorrect pinning for Threads.nthreads() > 1!)

For more information on likwid-perfctr, check out the official documentation.

likwid-perfctr with NVIDIA GPUs

Works the same way as for CPUs (see above) only that

  • -G <gpuids> takes the place of -c <cpuids> and
  • -W <perfgrp> takes the place of -g <perfgrp>.

To list the performance groups that are available for your GPU you can either use NvMon.supported_groups (or likwid-perfctr -a from the command-line).

Example call:

  • likwid-perfctr -G 0 -W FLOPS_SP -m julia would monitor single precision FLOPS on GPU 0

For more information, check out the NVIDIA GPU section of the LIKWID documention.

Example: CPU

Example that demonstrates using the CPU marker API.

# saxpy_cpu.jl
using LIKWID
using LinearAlgebra

N = 100_000_000
a = 3.141f0
z = zeros(Float32, N)
x = rand(Float32, N)
y = rand(Float32, N)

function saxpy_cpu!(z,a,x,y)
    z .= a .* x .+ y


saxpy_cpu!(z,a,x,y) # warmup
@marker "saxpy_cpu" saxpy_cpu!(z,a,x,y)


Output of JULIA_EXCLUSIVE=1 likwid-perfctr -c 0 -g FLOPS_SP -m julia saxpy_cpu.jl:

Warning: The Marker API requires the application to run on the selected CPUs.
Warning: likwid-perfctr pins the application only when using the -C command line option.
Warning: LIKWID assumes that the application does it before the first instrumented code region is started.
Warning: You can use the string in the environment variable LIKWID_THREADS to pin you application to
Warning: to the CPUs specified after the -c command line option.
CPU name:	Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6148 CPU @ 2.40GHz
CPU type:	Intel Skylake SP processor
CPU clock:	2.39 GHz
Region saxpy_cpu, Group 1: FLOPS_SP
|    Region Info    | HWThread 0 |
| RDTSC Runtime [s] |   0.097326 |
|     call count    |          1 |

|                   Event                  | Counter | HWThread 0 |
|             INSTR_RETIRED_ANY            |  FIXC0  |   10850760 |
|           CPU_CLK_UNHALTED_CORE          |  FIXC1  |   69311210 |
|           CPU_CLK_UNHALTED_REF           |  FIXC2  |          0 |
|    FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED_SCALAR_SINGLE   |   PMC1  |        111 |

|        Metric        | HWThread 0 |
|  Runtime (RDTSC) [s] |     0.0973 |
| Runtime unhalted [s] |     0.0289 |
|      Clock [MHz]     |     inf    |
|          CPI         |     6.3877 |
|     SP [MFLOP/s]     |   395.0039 |
|   AVX SP [MFLOP/s]   |   395.0028 |
|  AVX512 SP [MFLOP/s] |          0 |
|   Packed [MUOPS/s]   |    49.3753 |
|   Scalar [MUOPS/s]   |     0.0011 |
|  Vectorization ratio |    99.9977 |

Example: Multithreading


It is absolutely crucial that you pin the Julia threads to the cores that you are monitoring with LIKWID. As described above, likwid-perfctr -C ... (i.e. the capital C option) does not work correctly with Julia! Instead you should use JULIA_EXCLUSIVE=1 or ThreadPinning.jl for more fine-grained control.

# saxpy_threads.jl
using LIKWID
using LinearAlgebra
using Base.Threads: nthreads, @threads

# Julia threads must be pinned! Printing the thread affinity.
@threads :static for tid in 1:nthreads()
    core = LIKWID.get_processor_id()
    println("Thread $tid, Core $core")

N = 100_000_000
a = 3.141f0
zs = [zeros(Float32, N) for _ in 1:nthreads()]
x = rand(Float32, N)
y = rand(Float32, N)

function saxpy_cpu!(z, a, x, y)
    z .= a .* x .+ y

function saxpy_threads(zs, a, x, y)
    @threads :static for tid in 1:nthreads()
        @marker "saxpy_cpu!" saxpy_cpu!(zs[tid], a, x, y)


saxpy_cpu!(zs[1], a, x, y) # warmup saxpy_cpu
saxpy_threads(zs, a, x, y)


Output for JULIA_EXCLUSIVE=1 likwid-perfctr -c 0-2 -g FLOPS_SP -m julia --project=. -t3 threads.jl:

Warning: The Marker API requires the application to run on the selected CPUs.
Warning: likwid-perfctr pins the application only when using the -C command line option.
Warning: LIKWID assumes that the application does it before the first instrumented code region is started.
Warning: You can use the string in the environment variable LIKWID_THREADS to pin you application to
Warning: to the CPUs specified after the -c command line option.
CPU name:	Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6246 CPU @ 3.30GHz
CPU type:	Intel Cascadelake SP processor
CPU clock:	3.30 GHz
Thread 2, Core 1
Thread 3, Core 2
Thread 1, Core 0
Region saxpy_cpu!, Group 1: FLOPS_SP
|    Region Info    | HWThread 0 | HWThread 1 | HWThread 2 |
| RDTSC Runtime [s] |   0.146394 |   0.199333 |   0.178488 |
|     call count    |          1 |          1 |          1 |
|                   Event                  | Counter | HWThread 0 | HWThread 1 | HWThread 2 |
|             INSTR_RETIRED_ANY            |  FIXC0  |   46977220 |   47074720 |   47030020 |
|           CPU_CLK_UNHALTED_CORE          |  FIXC1  |  383841400 |  399093000 |  382726500 |
|           CPU_CLK_UNHALTED_REF           |  FIXC2  |  343281800 |  403328100 |  386764600 |
| FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED_128B_PACKED_SINGLE |   PMC0  |          0 |          0 |          0 |
|    FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED_SCALAR_SINGLE   |   PMC1  |          0 |          0 |          0 |
| FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED_256B_PACKED_SINGLE |   PMC2  |   25000000 |   25000000 |   25000000 |
| FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED_512B_PACKED_SINGLE |   PMC3  |          0 |          0 |          0 |
|                     Event                     | Counter |     Sum    |    Min    |    Max    |      Avg     |
|             INSTR_RETIRED_ANY STAT            |  FIXC0  |  141081960 |  46977220 |  47074720 |     47027320 |
|           CPU_CLK_UNHALTED_CORE STAT          |  FIXC1  | 1165660900 | 382726500 | 399093000 | 3.885536e+08 |
|           CPU_CLK_UNHALTED_REF STAT           |  FIXC2  | 1133374500 | 343281800 | 403328100 |    377791500 |
| FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED_128B_PACKED_SINGLE STAT |   PMC0  |          0 |         0 |         0 |            0 |
|    FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED_SCALAR_SINGLE STAT   |   PMC1  |          0 |         0 |         0 |            0 |
| FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED_256B_PACKED_SINGLE STAT |   PMC2  |   75000000 |  25000000 |  25000000 |     25000000 |
| FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED_512B_PACKED_SINGLE STAT |   PMC3  |          0 |         0 |         0 |            0 |
|        Metric        | HWThread 0 | HWThread 1 | HWThread 2 |
|  Runtime (RDTSC) [s] |     0.1464 |     0.1993 |     0.1785 |
| Runtime unhalted [s] |     0.1163 |     0.1209 |     0.1160 |
|      Clock [MHz]     |  3689.9336 |  3265.3756 |  3265.5725 |
|          CPI         |     8.1708 |     8.4779 |     8.1379 |
|     SP [MFLOP/s]     |  1366.1725 |  1003.3472 |  1120.5229 |
|   AVX SP [MFLOP/s]   |  1366.1725 |  1003.3472 |  1120.5229 |
|  AVX512 SP [MFLOP/s] |          0 |          0 |          0 |
|   Packed [MUOPS/s]   |   170.7716 |   125.4184 |   140.0654 |
|   Scalar [MUOPS/s]   |          0 |          0 |          0 |
|  Vectorization ratio |        100 |        100 |        100 |
|           Metric          |     Sum    |    Min    |    Max    |    Avg    |
|  Runtime (RDTSC) [s] STAT |     0.5242 |    0.1464 |    0.1993 |    0.1747 |
| Runtime unhalted [s] STAT |     0.3532 |    0.1160 |    0.1209 |    0.1177 |
|      Clock [MHz] STAT     | 10220.8817 | 3265.3756 | 3689.9336 | 3406.9606 |
|          CPI STAT         |    24.7866 |    8.1379 |    8.4779 |    8.2622 |
|     SP [MFLOP/s] STAT     |  3490.0426 | 1003.3472 | 1366.1725 | 1163.3475 |
|   AVX SP [MFLOP/s] STAT   |  3490.0426 | 1003.3472 | 1366.1725 | 1163.3475 |
|  AVX512 SP [MFLOP/s] STAT |          0 |         0 |         0 |         0 |
|   Packed [MUOPS/s] STAT   |   436.2554 |  125.4184 |  170.7716 |  145.4185 |
|   Scalar [MUOPS/s] STAT   |          0 |         0 |         0 |         0 |
|  Vectorization ratio STAT |        300 |       100 |       100 |       100 |

Example: GPU

Example that demonstrates how to use the GPU marker API:

# saxpy_gpu.jl
using LIKWID
using CUDA

@assert CUDA.functional()

N = 100_000_000
a = 3.141f0
z_gpu = CUDA.zeros(Float32, N)
x_gpu = CUDA.rand(Float32, N)
y_gpu = CUDA.rand(Float32, N)

function saxpy_gpu!(z,a,x,y)
    CUDA.@sync z .= a .* x .+ y


saxpy_gpu!(z_gpu,a,x_gpu,y_gpu) # warmup
@gpumarker "saxpy_gpu" saxpy_gpu!(z_gpu,a,x_gpu,y_gpu)


Output of likwid-perfctr -G 0 -W FLOPS_SP -m julia saxpy_gpu.jl:

CPU name:	Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6246 CPU @ 3.30GHz
CPU type:	Intel Cascadelake SP processor
CPU clock:	3.30 GHz
Region saxpy_gpu, Group 1: FLOPS_SP
|    Region Info    |   GPU 0  |
| RDTSC Runtime [s] | 0.010824 |
|     call count    |        1 |
|                        Event                       | Counter |   GPU 0   |
|        Metric       |    GPU 0   |
| Runtime (RDTSC) [s] |     0.0108 |
|     SP [MFLOP/s]    | 18477.1502 |

Example: CPU+GPU

Example that demonstrates how to use both the CPU and GPU marker API in one application.

# saxpy.jl
using LIKWID
using CUDA

@assert CUDA.functional()

N = 100_000_000
a = 3.141f0
z = zeros(Float32, N)
x = rand(Float32, N)
y = rand(Float32, N)

z_gpu = CUDA.zeros(Float32, N)
x_gpu = CUDA.rand(Float32, N)
y_gpu = CUDA.rand(Float32, N)

function saxpy_cpu!(z,a,x,y)
    z .= a .* x .+ y

function saxpy_gpu!(z,a,x,y)
    CUDA.@sync z .= a .* x .+ y


saxpy_cpu!(z,a,x,y) # warmup
@marker "saxpy_cpu" saxpy_cpu!(z,a,x,y)

saxpy_gpu!(z_gpu,a,x_gpu,y_gpu) # warmup
@gpumarker "saxpy_gpu" saxpy_gpu!(z_gpu,a,x_gpu,y_gpu)


Output of JULIA_EXCLUSIVE=1 likwid-perfctr -c 0 -g FLOPS_SP -G 0 -W FLOPS_SP -m julia saxpy.jl:

Warning: The Marker API requires the application to run on the selected CPUs.
Warning: likwid-perfctr pins the application only when using the -C command line option.
Warning: LIKWID assumes that the application does it before the first instrumented code region is started.
Warning: You can use the string in the environment variable LIKWID_THREADS to pin you application to
Warning: to the CPUs specified after the -c command line option.
CPU name:	Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6246 CPU @ 3.30GHz
CPU type:	Intel Cascadelake SP processor
CPU clock:	3.30 GHz
Region saxpy_cpu, Group 1: FLOPS_SP
|    Region Info    | HWThread 0 |
| RDTSC Runtime [s] |   0.090796 |
|     call count    |          1 |
|                   Event                  | Counter | HWThread 0 |
|             INSTR_RETIRED_ANY            |  FIXC0  |   59866700 |
|           CPU_CLK_UNHALTED_CORE          |  FIXC1  |  344927500 |
|           CPU_CLK_UNHALTED_REF           |  FIXC2  |  298780700 |
|    FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED_SCALAR_SINGLE   |   PMC1  |        111 |
|        Metric        | HWThread 0 |
|  Runtime (RDTSC) [s] |     0.0908 |
| Runtime unhalted [s] |     0.1045 |
|      Clock [MHz]     |  3809.5859 |
|          CPI         |     5.7616 |
|     SP [MFLOP/s]     |  2202.7354 |
|   AVX SP [MFLOP/s]   |  2202.7341 |
|  AVX512 SP [MFLOP/s] |          0 |
|   Packed [MUOPS/s]   |   275.3418 |
|   Scalar [MUOPS/s]   |     0.0012 |
|  Vectorization ratio |    99.9996 |
Region saxpy_gpu, Group 1: FLOPS_SP
|    Region Info    |   GPU 0  |
| RDTSC Runtime [s] | 0.010824 |
|     call count    |        1 |
|                        Event                       | Counter |   GPU 0   |
|        Metric       |    GPU 0   |
| Runtime (RDTSC) [s] |     0.0108 |
|     SP [MFLOP/s]    | 18477.1502 |